I am a survivor of floods, blizzards, hurricanes, and droughts. I have moved across the USA four times in my life. I am also an avid fan of getting outdoors as well as being prepared for what life throws at you. In addition, I’m a tabletop gamer, I play the occasional video game, and I love model railroading!
The idea for this site came into play back in 2021, during the major winter crisis. I had friends of all ages and background who did not know even the basics of how to survive the storm. I tried to help as many as I could, and it made me sick to see how many struggled.
It’s taken many years, and many iterations/ideas, and you’re here with the basics, a website/blog I can easily update and link to. I hope to post regularly with both seasonal entries as well as general all-purpose means of making yourself more resilient to stress, storms, and survival situations.
The name of the site comes from the “Five Ps” – Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. However, I chose to change Preparation to Planning, as the “prepper” community serves a different niche than the people I hope to reach out to. This blog, and my services, are not about the end of the world, it is about planning, increasing your ability to survive in challenging conditions and, where possible, even thrive in them.
In addition to blogging about these things, I am directly available for consulting/advice on a “pay-what-you-can” scale. My goal is to help people! Any profits this website earns will go to paying the hosting costs. Anything leftover will be placed in a donation fund I can use to provide mutual aid.
The goal: Don’t just survive, thrive!
— Brian Johnson, November 2024